Modern farming is complex.
Let us do some of the heavy lifting.
On the journey from the farmer’s field to the family’s dinner table, agribusinesses, growers, distributors, brokers, and retailers often face complicated legal issues. We can help you effectively meet today’s legal challenges while leveraging opportunities for growth.
Agribusiness Legal Solutions
From family farms to commercial operations, we support our agribusiness clients every step of the way. Our clients range from family-owned farms of modest size to large corporations, including cooperatives, producers, wheat and beef operations, ethanol and energy co-ops, feed/fertilizer distributors, and more.
Kennedy Berkley is recognized within Kansas and throughout the Midwest for our knowledge and experience in the agricultural industry. Our agribusiness lawyers represent local, regional, and national agribusiness clients, including agricultural co-ops, grain farmers, livestock producers, equipment manufacturers, input suppliers, agricultural lenders, and other ag-related businesses, in all aspects of their operations.